99 Cords is the only owner of all the information collected. We do not sell, share, or rent this information to any third party except as outlined in this policy.
The information we collect from our customers is only to process orders and is used to better serve and provide our customers relevant information, such order confirmation, order status updates, and to provide the customer with information on products or services that are available from us or affiliates associated with us.
Information collected includes customer names, billing and shipping addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, payment information such as customer credit card numbers (to process orders)
If you elect to receive our promotional materials, surveys, and newsletters, we will use the contact information you have provided to deliver this information to you. Although you may elect to not receive newsletters, promotional materials, or surveys, we may still need to send you other transnational information for maintenance and update of your customer relationship with us.
Examples of such communications would be: changes to policies; changes to our methods of conducting business; a request for you to review and update information we have on file for you; or information regarding any previous transactions with us.
Information required in registration process:
To place an order on our Site, and for us to process the order you placed on our Site, you will first need to complete the ”New Account Registration” form. You will be required to provide your contact information, including your name, billing and shipping addresses, email address, telephone and fax numbers. This information will also be used to provide you with important updates regarding your order status, including shipping and tracking information.
Changes to Privacy Policy:
99 Cords reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy Statement at any time. Customers are requested to review this area frequently in order to remain updated with the latest policies.